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Alpha-Gal Syndrome: It’s Complicated

By Toni Twitty

Food allergies are no fun, especially when the allergy consists of aversions to your favorite hearty meats like steak, burgers, pork chops, and bacon. What can cause this awful tragedy to strike? Well you may have a tick to thank for that!

Alpha-Gal syndrome is the allergy to red meat and other mammal products. In the United States, the condition usually begins with the bite of the Lone Star tick. The bite transfers a sugar molecule called alpha-gal into the body. In some people, this triggers a reaction from the immune system.

Some people may have alpha-gal syndrome and not know it. There are people who often have serious allergic reactions. Some of these symptoms include nausea, vomiting, hives, swelling of lips and throat, shortness of breath, diarrhea and much more. This may sound like food poisoning or just upset stomach but Alpha-Gal syndrome may be to blame. The only sure way to know if this is what is affecting you is to have blood panels done at your local Dr. office.

Do not fret if you do have Alpha-Gal Syndrome because studies have shown acupuncture can help with that allergy! At Be Well Acupuncture we help you get back to eating what you love with Dr. Toni’s new cutting edge treatment program called AGES™ Standing for Alpha-Gal Elimination Solution™.

If you want to enjoy your game day favorites this football season give us a call. Be Well Acupuncture is here for you!