Research tells us that acupuncture has been beneficial in treating a variety of conditions including high blood pressure, stress and anxiety, and headaches, just to name a few. And the good news is, you can add allergy symptoms to that list as well.
The American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Foundation recommends that doctors refer to Acupuncturists like Dr. Toni Twitty at Be Well Acupuncture in Oklahoma City, OK, to those patients looking for a drug-free treatment option for allergies. Anyone suffering from severe allergies knows that the symptoms associated with allergies can be miserable and include swollen/watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing, allergic eczema, itching, fatigue, stomachaches, and brain fog that can come from some of the medications prescribed for dealing with allergy symptoms. Acupuncture provides an effective and non-pharmacological relief for people just like you!
A study by the Mayo Clinic explains that acupuncture works directly on the nerve fibers sending messages to the brain and influencing the autonomic nervous system to transmit signals within the body, which can stimulate the immune system. Dr. Toni of Be Well Acupuncture in Edmond, OK performs three different types of allergy clearing treatments which she implements depending on your needs. SAAT and NAET are two of the main therapies she uses to reduce allergy symptoms, clear allergic reaction, and resolve Alpha gal syndrome. Be Well Acupuncture sees an 80% success rate in resolving allergies and an 82% success rate in resolving alpha gal syndrome.
As always, talk to Dr. Toni about your specific symptoms during your initial exam. The symptoms of allergies and alpha gal can be debilitating and can definitely impact a person’s quality of life. If medication hasn’t worked for you, call us at Be Well Acupuncture OKC today about our treatment options!
Dr. Toni Twitty, owner of Be Well Acupuncture OKC in Oklahoma City, OK is an expert Acupuncturist. She specializes in resolving pain, treating chronic conditions, general wellness, and fertility. Learn more about Toni and get started on your road to better health today!